Sunday, July 10, 2011

STINKER: Cat's Ass Coffee

This is the first one of these I've done, but i've planned to include this sort of thing as well, cuz it's stuff you'd think you like, but it turns out, it's a stinker.

To that point, Kopi Luwak is a very special type of coffee I'd read about since the 90s and always wanted to try. Noted for it's incredible smoothness, it commands a premium price - 50 to 70 dollars per 1/2 lb., depending on the vendor. Yup, this is the coffee that's first digested by the civet, a very cute little cat-like creature from southeast Asia. After that, the beans are removed from the civet's poop, cleaned, and roasted like any other coffee bean.

Jeri got me a 1/4 lb of this from Cat's Ass Coffee as a gift, She knew how much I've wanted it and what a coffee snob I am. Try as I might, after several pots of it, I found it just wasn't very good. It tasted like old restaurant coffee made in a Bunn coffee maker. It was incredibly smooth and acid free as touted, but no matter how strong I brewed it, it had no aroma at all, and tasted stale and weak. Coffee fans, Kopi Luwak from Cat's Ass Coffee was a bust.